Thursday, 25 February 2016

Saori banners Part 5

The final installment of banners hanging in the Forum, infront of the Library. They're here until Sunday :) 
Thanks to everyone who contributed their totally unique, individual Saori weaves, its been a joy to see them all together.
So here we have ....

Woven treasures by Barrington Farm artists.

 Yarn wanderings by Kally Davidson.

Weave Everything – beads, jewels, ties by Barrington Farm artists. 

 By Barrington Farm artists.

Elements 3 – Fire by Julienne Hanson. The warp for this banner is made from carefully selected thick knitting yarns, laid in vertical stripes to reflect the transition in both colour and temperature that occurs naturally in a fire, from cooler reds at the fire’s outer edge through orange, and yellow to hot blue flames in the fire’s heart. The banner is warp-dominant, representing the rising quality of heat. The weft is woven using fine wool yarns in the same colour palette, arranged vertically in stripes from blue at the base to pale yellow at the top of the banner. The finished dimensions of the banner are 136” (3.45 m) long by 18” (460 mm) wide, excluding the braided/plaited fringes.

Elements 1 – Earth by Julienne Hanson. The warp for this banner comprises five randomly-threaded wool and cotton yarns in a variety of earth tones. The weft features over fifty shades of grey, brown and orange yarns, which represents the many and varied geological strata that are revealed by a cross section through the Earth’s crust. The bottom 32” (820 mm) of the banner is split into five strips to represent fault lines and fissures deep within the Earth’s crust. The banner is embellished with beads and shells that represent rare mineral deposits and fossils. The finished dimensions of the banner are 140” (3.5 m) long by 19” (490 mm) wide, excluding the plied/twisted fringes.

Cottons with wandering dragon inlay by Sue B.

Banner in blues by Caroline from Big Sky Textiles.

 Tassel by Barrington Farm artists.


Desert banner by Rachel B.

Banner woven by first time weavers to Woolfest, fibre festival, Cumbria with The Saori Shed.

Woven for a Doula to use for 'belly binding' by Nicola Builder of Wayward Weaves Saori Studio, Stroud.

With big thanks for some lovely photos by Stewart Mackinder and Ian -

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