Thursday, 18 February 2016

Saori Banners Part 3

Textures by Cherrie Stevens.

 Kally Davidson - I started incorporating saori weaving into my artwork last year. As a textile installation artist, its free style nature sits fantastically with my instinctive approach. Inspired by nature, I love playing with a materials’ capability symbiotically with my own ideas, using this freedom of creativity allows a random nature of possibility; incorporating colours, textures and my mood, I feel like it communicates me, in that moment. Ultimately I love being part of the full process, from raw material to finished Artwork; Gathering fleece, plants to dye with, playing with spinning techniques, saori weaving, freeform crochet and photographing my artwork wrapped around a tree, back in the nature of my original inspiration.

Elements - Water banner by Ruth S.

Handspun nodules by the Barrington weavers.

Elements - Earth banner by Ruth S.

Wandering dragons and handspun snails by Kim @ The Saori Shed.

Calm stripes by Racahel C.

Celebration banner by Gaia Redgrave - Artist & Weaver, Performer & Teacher. She creates wonderful Saori & mindfully woven clothing, celebrancy wraps & robes, banners & wall coverings as well as hand fasting cords and yardage for ceremony, gifts and your home or business. Currently based in the centre of England, she is one half of Garden of Awen along with her husband Kevin who is a celebrant.
Gaia is a trained Kinesiologist & KaiAmea practitioner but after 10 years in practice now chooses to put her energies into creating, performing and personal practice. Garden of Awen:
Victoria’s Arts Practice:

Hemp and alpaca by George C.

Banner woven by first time weavers at Ethika, Norwich with The Saori Shed.

Tweed and patterns by Sue B.

By Gaia Redgrave.